"The Missing Piece to Mental Health & Self Development Help"

Backed by science, EME Integration will take you on a 4-month journey to rewire your mind and heart for success, abundance, and happiness, and live a life of purpose and fulfillment.


What is EME Integration?

EME Integration Level 1 is a 4-month accredited curriculum designed to help you rewire your mind and heart – with love and science.
You will learn how to eliminate the mental and emotional blocks that are stopping you from doing what you were put on this planet to do.
Our proven formula will help you identify and shift disempowering and debilitating emotions to create lasting and profound change.


Course Name

Emotions, Mind, and Energy (EME) Integration Practitioner Certification Program (Level 1)


  • Virtual Training: 16 weeks, instructor-led
  • Live/Virtual Event: 2 days, instructor-led

Materials You’ll Receive

  • 16 weeks of comprehensive video training
  • 2-day live/virtual event
  • Opportunities for Mentor Q&A sessions
  • Access to Q&A sessions with the instructor and creator
  • A physical certification upon successfully meeting the requirements


What You'll Learn

Week 1 to Week 9

The First 9 Weeks All About You

  • The formula for instant and lasting transformation.
  • How to rewire your mind and heart for success, abundance, and happiness.
  • Eliminate the internal conflicts that get in the way of doing what you were put on this planet to do.
  • Work through your blocks with abundance, not feeling good enough, feeling like a “fraud”.
  • Find your deepest purpose.
  • Inner work to eliminate the blocks stopping you.


What You'll Learn

Week 10 to Week 16

The Next 7 Weeks For Lasting Change

  • Discover the root issue causing the majority of problems people are facing.
  • Learn how to shift disempowering and debilitating emotions into positive and empowering emotions.
  • Learn how to get into the perfect state before serving another.
  • How to deal with self-sabotaging personas.
  • How to rewire programming and narratives that are no longer serving you.
  • How to make core identity level transformations.


What You Can Expect

Create Profound & Permanent Change

Eliminate the internal conflicts that get in the way of you doing what you were put on this planet to do. You’ll work through your mental, emotional, and energetic blocks so that you can create real change – that lasts.

Rewire Your Programming

Discover the power to rewire your lifelong programming. Unravel the influence of school, parental guidance, and peer judgments. Rewire your neurons, freeing yourself from narratives that no longer align with your true purpose.

Find Your Deepest Purpose

Uncover your authentic self and discover your life’s true purpose. Embark on a soulful journey, shedding external influences and reconnecting with your inner being. Gain clarity and confidence to pursue your genuine passions.


This Is Why We Do What We Do

“I'm feeling so excited about all the tools I have learned to serve people in their lives"

“The Program has been nothing but enriching for me on so many levels, learning about myself, healing parts of myself, sharing my deepest thoughts and emotions with complete ‘strangers’ who make you feel safe, who don’t judge you, who support you in your most vulnerable moments and love you through them… I’ve found a complete new family of people, of soul sisters who speak the same language..and it’s been a wonderful experience. Besides that I’m feeling so excited about all the tools I have learned to serve people in their lives and help them change things they’re struggling with, nothing is more rewarding to me. Mandy’s methods are grounded in science, psychology and intuition and are the most solid way to create change in your life and others.”


“This program has truly been exciting, fulfilling, and freeing"

“This program has truly been exciting, fulfilling, and freeing. It has been a blessing in my life and I have met some really fantastic people along the way that I LOVE to call my SOUL FAMILY! I am exhilarated by helping other release old programming, baggage, and beliefs and see them begin to SHINE like they were meant to their whole life! I am ever so grateful to have had the opportunity to get reconnected with my intuition, to other people, and to LIFE! Serving others in this capacity is a FEELING like no other! LOVE exudes from ME to others and I see/feel it shining back at me! What an absolute JOY! I look forward to each and every moment! I AM BACK … intuition pinging like crazy, just BEING ME, LOVING every minute, and filled with BLISS! Words cannot truly express how I really feel. I AM FOREVER GRATEFUL!!!”


“The best part is that every message and lesson is wrapped in love."

“Mandy’s Love and Authenticity Coaching Program has been everything that I have been waiting for and so much more. This program has not only taught me how to take charge of my life but has given me life long tools. It has provided me with amazing coaching methods that I can not only use on family and friends, but can create a thriving coaching business while serving humanity at its highest. The best part is that every message and lesson is wrapped in love. I am deeply honored to be a part of this wonderful and beautiful love and authenticity movement. If you’re heart is calling out for more and coaching is an interest, I highly recommend this program”



What You'll Earn

EME Certification

EME Integration Level 1: 4-month program. Rewire mind and heart with love and science. Eliminate blocks, and unleash potential. Transformative formula to overcome disempowering emotions, and create lasting change. Discover purpose, and make a profound impact.


Get All The Essential Resources You Need

16 weeks of comprehensive video training

You’ll have access to a series of well-designed video modules covering all the necessary concepts and skills. These materials will be released weekly to ensure a structured learning experience.

2-day live/virtual event

This session offers hands-on learning, interactive exercises, and networking opportunities with instructors and fellow participants. It provides practical application and a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Opportunity to engage in Mentor Q&A sessions and interact with the official instructor

You can connect with experienced mentors for personalized support and guidance. Additionally, direct Q&A sessions with the official instructor and creator of the EME method allow for clarification, in-depth discussions, and expert feedback.


Why? Because It Works

Our certification program works because it combines the power of love and science to rewire your mind and heart. By identifying and addressing mental and emotional blocks, it empowers you to create lasting and transformative change, unlocking your true potential and helping you make a profound impact in your life and beyond.


experience breakthroughs in overcoming mental and emotional blocks.


report improved well- being and life satisfaction post- certification.


gain confidence in pursuing their true passions and purpose.


establish thriving coaching practices within one year of certification.

Introducing the Creator of EME Integration

Mandy Morris

Mandy Morris, the visionary behind our esteemed certification program, is a renowned expert in the field of personal development and mental wellness. With a background rooted in clinical practice, Mandy brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our program, making it a truly transformative and credible experience.

As the founder of Authentic Living, an acclaimed educational organization, Mandy has touched the lives of over 3 million students spanning across 80 countries. Through both online and in-person courses, she has dedicated herself to helping individuals rewire their minds, hearts, and energy, enabling them to manifest abundance in all facets of life.

Mandy’s profound methodologies, rooted in both science and love, have been embraced worldwide by therapists, counselors, and coaches. Today, our certified practitioners practice globally, equipped with the invaluable skills imparted by Mandy’s teachings.

Mandy’s passion for research and clinical expertise led her to conduct groundbreaking studies on psychosomatic health issues in Norway. Through her diligent efforts, she developed a communicative therapy methodology aimed at addressing flawed beliefs, which proved to be a game-changer in mental health treatment. Working in Scandinavia and the U.S., she observed firsthand how her innovative approach could effectively transform brain patterns and eliminate symptomatic issues by addressing the root cause.

The scope of Mandy’s expertise encompasses a diverse range of subjects, including childhood programming, sabotaging beliefs, trigger management, abusive relationships, trauma, the science of manifesting, and the law of attraction. Her holistic approach to personal development and mental well-being fills a crucial void in the realm of mental health and self-development, making her the missing piece in the puzzle of achieving true transformation.

Currently residing in Colorado with her loving husband and three beautiful children, Mandy continues to inspire and guide countless individuals on their journey towards authentic living and self-realization.

Ignite Your Inner Power: Join EME Certification Program and Transform Your Life Today

Unlock Emotional Mastery, Empower Your Mind, and Energize Your Life


Get All The Essential Resources You Need

Ready to take the next step? Contact us today for complimentary consultation. Our team of experts are eager to discuss how our program can help you achieve your goals. Don’t hesitate, reach out now and embark on your transformative journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

In order to become certified through the EME Integration Certification Program, you must complete all weekly lessons, Integration exercises, and 20 practice coaching sessions including submission of a client and self evaluation form for each session. You have 2 months after the final lesson releases to complete these requirements. Once complete, you will provide your mailing address and your certificate will be mailed within 1 month or less!

Pursuing our certification requirements enables you to claim the title of Certified EME Integration Practitioner and be listed on our site as such. Some graduates call themselves ‘life coaches’, other similar titles depending on their area of expertise.

Our program is accredited through the National Board for Certified Counsellors. This means we are an approved training program for their Board Certification process for Coaches. Upon successful completion of our certification program you can apply for Board certification through them. You can learn more about the process and requirements here.

Complete the application form. Once we received your application, one of our heart centered enrollment advisors will reach out to schedule an enrollment call with you. If the program is a good fit, you will complete program tuition payment, or begin a payment plan towards tuition, and sign the program agreement.

Certified EME Integration practitioner will receive a certificate with the designation of 30 Continuing education credits

Yes, please email us at [email protected] to discuss potential accommodations.

Here is the weekly breakdown of topics covered:

Week 1 – Welcome/What to expect
Week 2 – Rewiring Your Mind for Success, Abundance, and Happiness
Week 3 – How to Rewire Your Rules for Success
Week 4 – Rewiring Your Heart for Happiness
Week 5 – Proven Methods for Shifting Limiting Stories
Week 6 – Proven Methods for Shifting Limiting Self Talk
Week 7 – Mastering Your Frequency and Energy for Daily Success and Happiness
Week 8 – Proven Methods for Shifting Limiting Habits
Week 9 – Proven Methods for Shifting Limiting Identities
Live/Virtual Event – Learn the EME Integration Formula & being practicing
Week 10 – Dive Deeper info the EME Integration Formula
Week 11 – Authentic Coaching Mindsets
Week 12 – Different Ways to Get to the Root
Week 13 – Advanced Ways to Shift the Mind
Week 14 – Advanced Ways to Shift the Heart
Week 15 – Proven Methods for Shifting Challenges
Week 16 – Proven Methods for Shifting Your Perspective as a Coach

Learning Objectives:

  1. Comprehend the Core Steps of the EME Integration Formula

    • Master the essential phases and principles underlying the EME Integration Formula.
  2. Identify and Overcome Personal Blocks

    • Recognize and address personal obstacles to living authentically, abundantly, and in alignment with your highest purpose and passion.
  3. Apply EME Integration Techniques for Self-Awareness and Growth

    • Implement EME Integration methods to enhance self-awareness, personal growth, and transformative experiences.
  4. Incorporate the EME Integration Formula in Coaching

    • Utilize the EME Integration Formula effectively in coaching sessions to support others in their personal development.
  5. Engage in Reflective Practices

    • Participate in reflective exercises within the EME Integration Practitioner Certification Program to deepen personal insights and internalize authentic living practices.
  6. Resolve Core Issues with EME Techniques

    • Master techniques to identify and address root issues, fostering deeper understanding and resolution.
  7. Create a Safe Space with Coherence

    • Develop the ability to use coherence strategies to provide a secure and supportive environment for personal and client growth.

Mandy Morris is the creator of the EME Integration program, and the primary instructor for the program. She hold a BS in psychology, MS in Leadership, and this methodology was developed through her research and studies in neuroscience, psychology and practical application of the tools and methods she created for this program. 

Your Mentors throughout the program have completed multiple trainings with Mandy and are certified in the EME Integration Certification Program as well as the advanced Level 2 EME Integration Certification Program. They come from a variety of experiences and backgrounds to serve our students from all over the world. They have the highest level of integrity, embodiment and understanding of the EME Integration methods.

Phone Number: Jessica Edgar, Director of Certifications – (970) 715-1343‬)
Email Address: [email protected]
Mailing Address: 1423 E Main Steet #164, Cortez Colorado, 81321

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