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Watch This Orientation Video To Begin:

You are getting this message because you enrolled in my “3 Days to Raise Your Vibration and Manifest Faster” virtual event. I’ve got a few updates (also found in your inbox) that will help you get the most out of the experience on Friday, April 28 to Sunday, April 30.

Step 1: Click Here To Join Our Private Facebook Group

  • Get to know your fellow attendees. This group is also an amazing resource for manifesting. I will be hanging out in here and answering questions before and during the live event!
  • Make sure you introduce yourself to the group, share your story, and what you want to manifest the most in our upcoming 3-day event. Ask yourself: “What do I really want in the next 30-90 days?” and also “What am I ready to release?”… “What do I want my life to look like moving forward?”
  • Intentions are EXTREMELY important, especially when it comes to manifesting.
  • And when you share your intentions, it actually SPEEDS IT UP!

Step 2: Click Here To Join Our Telegram Channel 

  • One of the things we know from running events in the past is that communication is key.
  • We’re using Telegram to communicate with you on a regular basis.
  • Telegram cuts through the clutter and allows one-way communication for me to reach you quickly with important updates (and some fun shares and behind-the-scenes info) before and during the event.
  • To join the group, you must first download the app to the device you wish to use it on. And then from that SAME device, click the link above to join our group! You can join from multiple devices, so if you’d like to join from your PC/Mac, you’ll download the app there and then click the link from that computer to join the group.
  • Quick note: The best experience is using Telegram on your mobile device. We recommend downloading the app there first and then clicking this link from your phone.

Step 3: Click Here To Get Lifetime Access To The Event Recordings PLUS 5 Abundance Accelerating Meditations

  • You’ll get lifetime access to the recordings for the event, so you can revisit it as many times as you want.
  • Replays will be sent via email as soon as they are processed and available. Around 1 week after the event.
  • You’ll also get 5 Meditations infused with powerful energy to help raise your vibration and keep it high.
  • These meditations will help remove the blocks that are dragging your vibration down.
  • These meditations are designed to accelerate abundance and happiness in your life.
  • You can listen to these meditations any time, and you have lifetime access to them. 

STEP 5: Want to Learn The 5 Steps to Clearing, Unblocking, and Protecting Your Energy to Attract More Love, Joy, and Purpose? Grab This Book Now

STEP 6: Get A FREE Copy of My “Set It and Forget It”
Manifesting Journal… Claim It Here Now

My gift to you:  My 8-Day Manifesting Challenge  included with your order, it’s an additional 4+ hours of manifesting secrets I reveal over 8 videos, to help you prepare for the 3 Day Manifesting Event.

And in case no one has told you today,
I love you!


P.S. I post A LOT of good info over at my social accounts so make sure you follow me there too.

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