Sonic Therapy with Steven

About Steven

I have been a professional photographer for more than three decades, and I began my work with music and sound many years ago. Then I suffered two traumatic brain injuries within several months of each other. 
I sought medical help, and what they mostly offered me was drugs for my condition. MRI scans didn’t reveal much. Meanwhile, my brain and body were in decline, and that’s when the Gongs came into my life.  I then began playing my gongs regularly because I noticed that they were facilitating my recovery from the many symptoms and conditions that I now had.
The sonic therapy work with the Gong, along with integrated massage, changed my life.  My vital functions are now currently consistent with that of someone half my age. Those close to me noticed the dramatic results from my work and encouraged me to share this modality with others, and that has now become my mission.


Steven loves to facilitate transformation in others and help them find relief from their physical, mental, and emotional pain, reducing their stress. The intention of his work is to raise the voltage in our clients, giving them increased resistance to disease and inflammation, which translates into more day-to-day energy.  By charging up and tuning in to ourselves, we become more available to make our community, country, and world a better place.

Steven's Approach

Steven facilitates change, inspires transformation , and produces results through the science and practice of Sonic Therapy, Massage, and Yoga.
He incorporates a holistic approach that is simple, safe, efficient, and effective and doesn’t have any known side effects other than strengthening our immune system, balancing our neurological functions, synchronizing our rhythms, and increasing our daily happiness.
Music is the science or art of ordering tones in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity.  It is vocal, instrumental, or mechanical sounds having rhythm, melody, or harmony.
Sonic Therapy
Sonic Therapy works on a vibrational level and can be both heard and felt. This type of therapy encounters little to no impedance in it’s application.  In other words, there’s no chemical reaction required for its’ transmission, as with pharmaceutical drugs. As a result they can be 90% more efficient and affective in bringing about relief and help with:

1. Addiction & Depression
2. Neurological Disorders

3. Cancer
4. Physical Pain & Stress

5. Weight Loss

Sonic Therapy & Integrated Massage

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1. Sonic Therapy

Sonic Therapy is a very simple yet profound method of achieving harmonic balance physically, mentally, and emotionally through the use of the Gong and Crystal Singing Bowls. The sound waves and music produced by the alchemical instruments shift our consciousness, our emotional state, and our physical health.
The direct experience of the Gong and Bowls causes the Autonomic Nervous System to switch off its Sympathetic (Flight or Fight) response and stimulate the Parasympathetic (Rest or Digest) response calming the central nervous system and reducing pain, stress, and inflammation. 
In these sessions, the Gong is played rhythmically for 30-45 minutes without letting the music fully decay. Playing with this type of continuity while changing the pitch and intensity actually resets the way our ears process sound.
The fundamental notes of the Gong and Bowls resonate coherence within the Heart!  As a result, the heartbeat and the other natural rhythms of the body Synchronize in a process called Entrainment, Restoring Equilibrium at the Cellular level.
How does this happen?  Well, our bodies are made of atoms. Atoms are vibrating vortices of Energy and Information. Atoms make molecules and molecules make cells.
Sound waves are pressure waves that contain energy and information because they are vibratory in nature. These alchemical instruments produce sound waves thereby affecting change at the atomic and cellular level of our existence.
Sonic Therapy is the key that unlocks The Doors of Transformation…

2. Tuning Fork & Singing Bowl Therapy

Sonic Therapy is a very simple yet profound method of achieving harmonic balance physically, mentally, and emotionally through the use of the Gong and Crystal Singing Bowls. The sound waves and music produced by the alchemical instruments shift our consciousness, our emotional state, and our physical health.
The direct experience of the Gong and Bowls causes the Autonomic Nervous System to switch off its Sympathetic (Flight or Fight) response and stimulate the Parasympathetic (Rest or Digest) response calming the central nervous system and reducing pain, stress, and inflammation. 
In these sessions, the Gong is played rhythmically for 30-45 minutes without letting the music fully decay. Playing with this type of continuity while changing the pitch and intensity actually resets the way our ears process sound.
The fundamental notes of the Gong and Bowls resonate coherence within the Heart!  As a result, the heartbeat and the other natural rhythms of the body Synchronize in a process called Entrainment, Restoring Equilibrium at the Cellular level.
How does this happen?  Well, our bodies are made of atoms. Atoms are vibrating vortices of Energy and Information. Atoms make molecules and molecules make cells.
Sound waves are pressure waves that contain energy and information because they are vibratory in nature. These alchemical instruments produce sound waves thereby affecting change at the atomic and cellular level of our existence.
Sonic Therapy is the key that unlocks The Doors of Transformation…
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3. Integrated Massage Therapy

This customized massage integrates sound therapy through the application of tuning forks, a crystal pyramid, and singing bowls. These alchemical sonic instruments are typically incorporated at the beginning, during the middle, and end of the overall session.  Session lengths are typically 60 or 90 minutes.  These sessions are great for relieving chronic pain and stress within the physical body and emotional mind. 
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4. Integrated Sonic Therapy

Our Integrated ​Sonic Therapy sessions combine the gong, tuning forks, singing bowls, and a crystal pyramid. These sessions can be highly specialized. The gong is played throughout the session while the forks, bowls, and pyramid are activated on, above, and along the acupuncture points and meridians of the body. The forks and bowls can also be used individually or together without the gong. A special sequencing, known as the Fibonacci Sequence, is available upon request.  This sequence is activated in the body beginning with the eight original cells that formed our living cellular matrix. Sessions are 60 minutes in length.
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5. Sowing Sonic Seeds

These workshops consist of two separate days and attendance can be for one or both days.  The science of Sound will be discussed and it’s’ effects on the human body and biofield.  We explore Yoga, Mantra, and Meditation to give a direct experience of the nature of the concepts introduced.  Throughout each day you will be immersed in the powerful and transformative sound current of different Planetary & Elemental Gongs, Crystal Singing Bowls, Tibetan Singing Bowls, a Crystal Pyramid as well as Planetary and Elemental Tuning Forks.
As a participant, you will learn about vibration, frequency, entrainment, and coherence.  In addition, we will explore how these are connected to movement, breath, and mantra.  We will Tune In and connect to the Quantum Field, a landscape of all possibilities.
These yoga and meditation practices strengthen your life force, raise your vibration and restore your vitality. They help us become clear-minded, amplifying our magnetism, expelling the old, letting in the new, and leaving us open and ready to receive our natural prosperity and abundance. Enjoy relief from stress, pain, and inflammatory conditions as a result of these practices.

Here are some of the challenges and imbalances we've had success with:

  • Pain Management (Severe & Chronic)
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Depression
  • Addiction Recovery
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Hearing Loss
  • Tinnitus / Meniere’s
  • Cancer and Stroke Recovery
  • Anxiety and Phobias
  • Emotional Imbalances
  • Stress Management
  • Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) & (ADHD)
  • Eating Disorders
  • Weight Loss
  • Grief and Recovery from Loss
  • Migraines / Headaches
  • Sound Therapy is a Panacea …