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Watch the videos below and read this page for the LA Raise Your Vibration Event Special Offer

Grab A Copy of "The Promise" Now and Get Your Amazing Bonuses

If you buy a copy of Mandy’s new book “The Promise” right now, you’ll get a REPLAY of the entire event, ON US! And if you get 2 or more copies of the book, you’ll also gain access to Mandy’s Mandy365 program (A year-long coaching program with Mandy – and we’ve previously charged people $1,000+ for this program), and you’ll get it absolutely FREE if you buy 2 or more copies today!

Want to Continue Your Momentum and Journey with Oliver & Mandy?

Learn more about our 8-week Accelerated Manifesting program “Quantum Creation” in the Quantum Creation handout here >>

If you’re ready to join Quantum Creation, click here to enroll now.

Want to Get Paid to Change Lives?

Learn more about Mandy’s 16-week, Accredited and Board Certified Life Coaching Certification program in the EME Integration Certification Program handout here >>

If you’re ready to join EME , click here to enroll now.

Release All Your Energy Blocks & Become an Energy Healer in Just 8 weeks

Learn more about The Spiritual Activator, Oliver’s 8-week, Energy Healing Certification program in the GEO Love Healing Certification Program handout here >>

If you’re ready to join GEO, click here to enroll now.

Questions About Event Special Price?

If you have any questions about any of our programs, feel free to contact our lovely enrollment advisor, Jennifer Smith! She’s ready to guide you towards your next journey with us.

How to contact Jennifer?

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