Love & Authenticity Practitioner

I was born in New York, but have lived in five different countries including England, the Philippines, Croatia, Serbia, and currently Switzerland. I’ve been married for 21 years and have two amazing teenage daughters. I am a world traveler and believe that we are always growing and learning.  I’ve been on my journey of becoming my true, authentic self since I was a child, but got lost along the way. I was raised in a family where I was made to feel that no matter what I did, I was never good enough. I had toxic family relationships and grew up with programming and limiting beliefs that kept me from shining my light and speaking my truth, as I was raised to believe that I needed to stay small, not heard, and to just follow the rules and fulfill my obligations. I always worked hard at school and earned top grades and made career and relationship choices that I believed would prove to others that I was good enough.

I always knew in my heart that these choices were inauthentic and left me feeling deeply unhappy and unfulfilled. However, through my personal growth in seeking to find my authentic self over the years and with the help of Mandy Morris’ Authentic Creation Program and Love and Authenticity Practitioner Certification Program, I have come to see the lessons and hidden blessings in everything that I have experienced so far in my life. My experiences of living and working in several different countries have given me an amazing, multi-cultural perspective on life and the world in which we live. I have professional experience in the corporate world, investment banking, as well as the public sector, and in development banking, which has given me a wide range of skills and ease in communicating and interacting with a diverse range of people. Throughout my life I have always been happiest and most fulfilled whenever I have been able to help or serve others, whether it be through volunteer work or community service or starting up an NGO to work on improving environmental issues, gender issues, or reducing poverty on this earth.

My decision to become a Love and Authenticity Practitioner was meant to be. I truly feel that I have found my purpose work and my passion. I have developed my gift of words and know that when I use them in the highest good, I truly help and serve others. I have been able to heal my toxic relationships, I have been able to forgive others and to forgive myself, and most importantly I am able to love myself and in doing so I am able to receive love and give it freely and completely. I have learned to speak my truth and to shine my light. I’ve freed myself from doing things for others out of obligation; rather I do things out of love and in doing so, I guide and help others to find their authentic self through self-love, awareness, healing, and growth. We all have truth and power residing within us and we all have gifts that we are meant to share with this world to transform lives, to heal, to grow and to raise our vibration on this earth. Using the methodologies from Mandy’s Authentic Living programs, as a coach, I’m able to lovingly, and without judgement, bring you to this awareness where you will stand in your truth and power and embody who you are truly meant to be.