Whole Healing Practitioner & Love & Authenticity Practitioner​

The Journey of Seeking my Best Life

My life’s journey was like many others.  I grew up in a two-parent home with a sister and a brother.  We all worked hard in school and excelled, knowing that the punishment for less would be swift and intense.  Our parents were strict, but they wanted the best for us.

College followed high school and we all worked to pay our way through.  From there we were expected to begin careers and become contributing and functional adults.  It never occurred to me to question this path.

A couple of years after graduating from the University of Arkansas with a specialty degree in Interior Design, I met my husband for the next fourteen years.  Together we bought a house and had two amazing children.  We pursued building our lives and our wealth for the next several years, but eventually the stressors separated us rather than bringing us together.

Our divorce was the catalyst for some huge and significant changes in my life.  Through parenting our two kids, running our house, being a wife and taking care of my parents, I had lost myself.  It was time to rebuild.

Eventually, my personal growth journey brought me to Mandy Morris.  I had already come to the conclusion that the world needed more love.  I just had no idea how I could live a life that could support and deliver this on a daily basis.  Mandy’s unique way of incorporating love and a deeper knowledge of oneself inspired me to delve deeper.  I completed her 30-day Authentic Creation Program and then dove into the Love and Authenticity Practitioner Certification Program.  This program was so aligned with the information I had been studying over the last several years that I knew it was exactly the right path for me.  Through the program I learned how I can continually share my knowledge and love with others.

I made a promise to myself to continually pursue growth.  By honoring myself, I will also be honoring you and my ability to serve you.  Please let me know how I can be of service to you.

Peace, Love, and Light