Whole Healing Practitioner & Love & Authenticity Practitioner

Ruth is a certified Love and Authenticity Practitioner and is also a certified Whole Healer Practitioner through Authentic Living.

From a place of love we heal. True freedom is letting go of that which holds us back and stepping into all possibilities within us to shine our brightest.

Completing the Love and Authenticity Practitioner training accelerated my own deep inner growth and transformation. I found myself blown away with the simple yet hugely powerful principles and practices. It was like having a guide book on how to navigate being a human being!

I began threading the beautiful practices into my daily life and seeing such transformational benefits….. feeling so connected and learning how to nurture and heal myself. My life is so rich and satisfying now….. and I am so hugely grateful for this and for my continued growth and learning.

Throughout my life I have had many challenges and obstacles that have encouraged me to grow ………stepping up against these challenges I found ways to navigate through them to create an enriched and beautiful for-filled life that I am now living. I would love to facilitate you to do the same. Knowing that I can overcome and heal, I have every confidence that you can too.

LOVE is the key, infusing all with love brings a softness and openness to healing.

What makes my heart sing is to Inspire and empower you to step into your untapped potential, to develop deep levels of self love and to live a life that uplifts, nourishes and excites you.

“Ruth infuses positivity, practicing gentleness and understanding with those she works with.”

“Ruth has been a wonderful mentor, wise yet light in both attitude and direction empowering me to find my own path and holding my hand along the process path. Thank you Ruth.”

Email me and we can begin the process together.