Love & Authenticity Practitioner

I have lived a very beautiful life. However, there has always been a part of me that knew something was missing. I lived majority of my life as a perfectionist who focused on what was considered “right” and expected of me by others, instead of what was authentically ME. I had come to a point in my life where I needed to make some changes. I had to change my limiting belief that I wasn’t worthy or deserving. It no longer served me to live this way.

I decided to realign my ideals and began to focus on what truly made me feel happy. I finally chose to follow my heart. I went on a journey to discover my true-life purpose and set my intentions on becoming a Love Authenticity Practitioner. I found that being a Life Coach aligned with my heart in every way. I became the true embodiment of living life consciously through consistent practice of self-love & care. I started to see the positive effects of living this way. Every day I get the chance to stop and smell the roses in my own authentic way. I have changed and took my power back. I now see myself as a beautiful sensitive soul. I am a warm hearted and caring person. I always hope the best for others. My heart enjoys learning about ways to grow within myself and share it with others. The tools I have learned are life changing and now it is a blessing that I am able to coach others to have their authentic life. The most amazing part is through this experience I learned how to re-write my story with another perspective. I have realized I have been blessed beyond belief. I see all the love, support, and strength I had all along. Now I know I a deserving.

My new life purpose is to help you learn to live in the moment consciously & authentic to your true alignment. I will teach you how to re-write your story & limiting beliefs. Help you learn self-love and self-care to give you a new perspective of how you can see the world with a more positive attitude. This practice allows and encourages us to pick up healthy habits to navigate us to serve the world so much better. You are then filling our own cup with unconditional love. Learn to be happy NOW. I never understood what people meant when they said, “if you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life”. I thought that was a myth until now. I love teaching you to plant seeds; help you nurture them and watch you blossom & grow.