Whole Healing Practitioner & Love & Authenticity Practitioner​

Belle Benfield is an herbalist, artist and Love and Authenticity Practitioner. Before coming across Mandy’s work, she was already working with clients holistically as an herbalist and with folk from all walks of life through her people-engaged art projects. Training as a Love and Authenticity Practitioner has skyrocketed the positive results her coaching has on client’s lives and brought untold fulfillment into her own life. She is delighted to be a part of the Authentic Living community.

What Belle says:

“There is no magic manifesting button. Instead there is consistent, conscious action. I’m here to support you in finding and listening to your own inner wisdom so that conscious action becomes second nature to you. Your life is unfolding as a perfect mirror of your personal power. I’m here to show you that power, over and over again, until you get to know it fully and you can harness it in every part of your life. I do this with a combination of the Love and Authenticity methodology, grounded in our Earth, with the healing power of plants.”

What clients say:

“Belle’s support is genuine, abundant, and giving, and her insight into herbal medicine is inspiring, uplifting, and comforting.”

“I feel like I have been listened to, understood, and treated as a whole, and with Belle’s coaching and plant medicine prescriptions I am finally, truly healing!”

“Each session with Belle contains a new and gentle but profound enlightenment: I think this is part of her magic, the ease with which her guidance emerges. It’s as though she is receiving the information or wisdom and simply translating it back into useful, manageable language with achievable and welcome actions to practice in ‘the real world’. Actions which progress my healing beyond our sessions. Belle is a part of necessary personal development for me this year and I am supremely grateful to her and her guides for being with me on the journey.”